Three things I learned in 5th grade.
1 I learned how to do more on the I-pad. (Language Arts)
2 I learned all the states and capitals. (social studies)
3 I also learned how to dived fractions. (math)
Three things I struggled with in 5th grade.
1 I struggled with my reading strategies. (reading)
2 I struggled with my spelling words. (Language Arts)
3 I struggled with fractions. (math)
Three things that surprised me.
1 I was surprised when we got grades in P.E and Music.
2 I was surprised when I made A’s and B’s all year.
3 I was surprise when Mrs Smith retired.
Three things that disappointed me.
1 I was disappointedwhen we did not get to sit up top in the cafeteria.
2 I was disappointed when the vollyball girls did not will state.
3 I was disappointed when kickball got taken away.